Book circulation increases with additional Book Talks and discussions to stimulate uses for this book, as well as potential lessons/activities:
- Google Earth Trips...even better, develop tours based on choices selected individually to share with others
- Keep it local...Take it National...use with social studies units exploring city, state, and country.
- Take a virtual trip...if you can't actually go to a there a website with a virtual tour?
- When traveling with the family develop a game to play with the list to see if you can name a site that fits the list... name "a very big thing", "a peaceful place" then read what the book has to say about it.
- Make a personal list of the "10 Things I most want to see this year"...share with family
- Find your 10 favorite places using Google Earth and show your friends.
Sullivan, Joanne. 101 Places You Gotta See Before You're 12. New York: Lark Books, 2006.
ISBN: 978-1-60059-147-1
This sounds awesome. Thanks for the recommendation. Can't wait to pick up this book and check it out!