Sunday, October 31, 2010

Reading Saves the Day!

We just completed our Fall Book Fair which runs virtually as a Book Store within our Library Media Center each Fall and Spring. Scholastic has outdone itself yet again with lots of new titles to read!

We just added up our sales and topped $10,000. even with this economy! We are so lucky to have a community that values reading and makes it a priority to support student learning!

As a result we have approximately $3000. of new titles for our school library, $100 worth of titles for each classroom library selected by each teacher, and we gave away over 40 titles to students through our Book Give Away online raffle run from our Media Center website. Students sign up for each title they would like to win and we announce the winners during Morning Ceremony the second week of our book fair. It has become the #1 favorite school wide event for our Bay Farm students as measured by our annual student survey.

I'll be tagging the titles reviewed here with "Book Fair" so you will be able to see some of the most favorite reads this fall from our Book Fair theme "Reading Saves the Day." And soon you will be able to also see what our students think about our books at Reading Saves the Day!

1 comment:

  1. Book fairs are a lot of work but a lot of fun, too.
