written by Deborah Murrell
Now you can learn facts about 4 of the major types of warriors through history. Learn about the Greek Warriors, Gladiators, Samurai, and Knights. This is a brand new book just published in September and was a great seller at the Fall BookFair!
Greek Warriors. Learn about Hoplites, training, weapons and armor, war machines used, the War with Persia, Defeating the Spartans, Alexander the Great, battle tactics, and the decline of Greece.
Gladiators. Gladiators defined, Gladiator school, Gladiators of the Empire, Provacatores, Equites, and Velites, the Colosseum, Gladiator Events, Win or Lose, and the end of the Gladiators.
Samurai. When Samurai lived, becoming a Samurai, the Pen and the Sword, weapons used, armor, ninjas, early clans, the Rise of the Samurai, three great men, the last Shoguns, and the dcline of the Samurai.
Knights. Knights defines, when they lived, training, weapons used, armor, horses, battle tactics, battlefields, heraldry, castles under attack, off the battlefield, tournaments, and the decline of Knights.
If you don't like the heavy reading of regular history textbooks we use, then try this book! If you are interested in weapons, fighting, and war, this is the "history text" for you, right here in our Media Center.
The book has a full table of contents and index, not just for the book, but complete contents for each chapter so you can easily find the information you are most interested in. We'll be using this book to show examples of how using contents and indexes, and glossaries really help you get the most out of content reading, especially when researching for reports! There is also a glossary for the terms used throughout the book.
The information is organized into tidbit paragraphs with stylized text and graphic boxing to offset and separate clusters of information, which makes the information so much easier to locate and read without pages of text you find in a regular textbook.
So if you are interested in warriors throughout history, watch the trailer below, and then find the book in our nonfiction section and check it out soon.
ISBN: 978-1-59566-802-8
A Hero's Guide to Warriors-Trailer from Roxanne Clement on Vimeo.
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