Saturday, December 18, 2010

Math Curse

Math Curse
     written by Jon Scieska and Lane Smith

 A student falls victim to the "Math Curse" when her teacher says "You can think of almost everthing as a math problem."

Suddenly, everything is exactly that...a math problem....until she finds a way to end the curse. Here's a wild and crazy book that addresses math anxiety and numbers in every day life.

The paintings, collage -like artwork, and stylized text add to the tempo and voice of the story and plotline, and help to build momentum as our child-narrator's anxiety and frustrations living with the math curse increases. So do the additions of math symbols, shapes, algorithms, designs, and calculations.

It's a great read aloud and even better book for us to talk about together!

ISBN: 0-679-86194-4

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