Friday, December 17, 2010


     written by Emily Gravett

Wolves  is one of my favorite "newer" picture books for all ages, but especially for tweens and teens who will appreciate the twisted nature of the story, the dry humor, and the artistic perspectives applied to telling a story well.

This was the first book written by the author in 2005. The subtle play on libraries, research, and reading make this book a great read-aloud when moving into research projects as a humorous "into" activity before discussing research techniques.

The book won several awards including the 2004 McMillan Prize, and the Nestle's Bronze Medal. The artwork is multimedia mix, charcoal pencil, and textured pictures with generous sprinkles of wit added throughout.

When Shel Silverstein's  "Runny Babbit" hit our shelves a few years back, we couldn't keep it in the library. Upper grades just ate up that book! This is going to be one of those tales, that truly has to be read! Now that I have a document reader, when reading this book out loud, in order to share all the nuances I think the technology will make this book an even better experience when "performed" live.

Take a look at the trailer for the book and see if you don't agree that you have to get your hands on this little picture book for maximum enjoyment!

ISBN: 9781416914914

Wolves from Roxanne Clement on Vimeo.

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